When you have a baby, love is automatic. --Marie Osmond

When you have a baby, love is automatic. --Marie Osmond

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Oh, how I love Saturdays!

Today, Cameron is 10 months. 

I made pumpkin chocolate chip cookies today.  I shared with Cameron, and the piece I gave him had chocolate, which ended up all over his hands and his face.  He didn't eat much of the cookie, as it was too much fun to play with it and get it all over his face!!!

I am so grateful for my adorable son.  He is so much fun, and such a blessing in my life.

He is so happy, so full of life. 

I can't wait to learn more about my little man as the years go on.  He loves to see himself in the videos... so usually I have to upload the video to my computer and turn the sound up, he watches himself and talks back to "himself" on the computer!  It's so cute.  I love seeing his personality come out.

As for me, I am getting a lot of hours at work, so Saturdays (well, weekends really) are great for me--because I get to spend the whole time with Cameron.  It stinks that I have to take him to daycare so I can work.  I'm really hoping to go back to school full time so I can finish my degree.  Walmart has been great with working with me on my hours and with being a single parent, but I could use something that is consistent hours and a consistent job. (And a job that I love and actually look forward to going to!!!)

I think this year has gone by way too fast.  My baby is going to be a year old before I know it!!! I have Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and then his birthday... so the next few months are going to be BUSY.

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